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Planning and Historic Preservation Commissions – May 2024

Experiencing City Dock – May 2024



February 2024:
The plans for the Maritime Welcome Center are presented to a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission.

February 2024:
After scores of public meetings, public comment, and revisions, plans for City Dock go before the Annapolis Planning Commission and Historic Preservation. Both commissions approve the City Dock Park site plan.

June 2023:
Hillman Garage opens two months ahead of schedule, offering more parking, gateless entry, stormwater controls, programmable space on the ground floor and solar arrays on the roof to provide shade and generate electricity. The City earns a $24 million concession payment to put towards the resiliency work at City Dock in addition to annual payments from the parking vendor, Premium Parking.

April 2022:
AMRP breaks ground on the (expected 16-month rebuild of Hillman Garage, a main funding mechanism for the resiliency work at City Dock.

City of Annapolis issues RFP and selects AMRP as a consortium of businesses that will design and rebuild the Hillman Garage, manage parking operations, and get the right to bid on the City Dock project.

January 2020:
CDAC issues final report, including feedback from Annapolis City Council: https://cm28ab.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/city-dock-action-committee-transforming-city-dock-report-2020-annapolis-maryland.pdf.

October 2019:
After monthly in-person meetings of the working groups and the committee, CDAC outlines findings to Annapolis City Council in a draft report. https://youtu.be/8Lb2qpaBm4k

March 2019:
The City Dock Action Committee (CDAC) is appointed to consider options for Annapolis City Dock. CDAC is made up of 92 residents, business owners and subject matter experts. The group is divided into 10 working groups. Video of the first meeting: https://youtu.be/5cJgh3MChMA